
5 - Love Is Not Proud

In pride there is a perception of someone else - their status, physical
appearance, intellect, possessions, gender, race, etc. – that places them in
a position of lesser worth or honor than us.
In love there can be no pride in the same eyes that are used to see as
the Father sees those He desires to love through us.
Love disables pride to the point that those who were once unworthy of a
second look now receive our very best and even our lives laid down in
Love transforms “I’m better than” to “I’m here for them”.
Love places us on the side of God with regard to lifting up and valuing
especially the lowly ones.

Prayer – “Where my eyes would fail to see others and value them as You
do, I pray that You would help me to see each one as worthy of Jesus’ and
my own sacrificed life. Help my eyes to no longer look down on anyone
but see them as of equal worth in Christ.”
Intentional action: For someone of a group that might be looked down on,
elevate a characteristic of God-formed worth, and allow your eyes to look
up to them in it.
Enter into prayer with regard to that same person and allow the Holy Spirit
to help your sight of them to be filled with the worth the Father has for