Psalms 69:9-10 (NLT)
9 Passion for your house has consumed me, and the insults of those who insult you have fallen on me.
10 When I weep and fast, they scoff at me.
To take on a passion for a person and their cause is to identify with all they are up against. Attacks against them become personal, as if each one is at you. Also, threats against you are seen as threats directly against them. This experience removes consideration of lesser opposing forces in a driving motivation that commits to whatever it will take to defend that person’s house. Charismatic speeches and powerful personalities win the imaginations and loyalty of the young men they will send off to battle. These men abandon their personal identities, dreams, and destinies to offer their own lives for a leader and his cause. While many are conscripted and given no choice, the most effective ones are those who have taken on a deep devotion to their leader that moves them way beyond just admiration. Their actions are now free from concern about any other ramifications. Those weights of worry have been cast off and consumed by only what will be satisfied by a zealous response.
The reason the Prince of Peace could go into the temple and make a mess of all the moneychangers’ tables was that He abandoned all fear of any earthly kingdom to establish His Father’s. His overwhelming passion blinded Him to honor for anything else. It also positioned Him to receive extreme ramifications for His choice of honor.
The more we reside in the Kingdom, the more we develop a zeal for the heart of the King that eliminates concern for any earthly opposition. Passion for His house and His work takes precedence over any worries about how we’ll be seen. There is no fear of upsetting religious traditions as worship of Him consumes every moment, free of hypocritical facades. “As He is so we are in this world.” 1 John 4:17
"By honoring the King and His kingdom, I have developed a burning zeal for His house and all that He is about. I have lost concern for any other kingdoms as I set my heart to defend and propel God's kingdom alone.”
Psalm 69:10
"My praise will be for the acts of my God’s might and the excellence of His overpowering greatness."
Isaiah 60:21
"No matter the challenge or opposition before me, I am more than an overcomer through Christ who is the Greater One within me."
Romans 8:37
"Christ in me is God-given wisdom, virtue, holiness, and redemption."
1 Corinthians 1:30
"I have confidence that I am heard when I pray the will of God for my healing, and when I do my requests are already provided for and answered."
1 John 5:14-15
"Though He was rich, by the grace of God, Jesus became poor so that I, through His poverty, am made rich."
2 Corinthians 8:9