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Day 16 – Life Is Found

Matthew 10:39 (TPT)
39 All who seek to live apart from me will lose it all. But those who let go of their lives for my sake and surrender it all to me will discover true life!

There is an ongoing search for life. Where do we look? Friends, family, money, entertainment, jobs, and more. Simply having a body, breathing air, and moving around requires a purpose that, once experienced, becomes the story of our lives. Much of life consists of things that just come to us, like the inevitabilities of school and family. Beyond these necessities, however, we seek what will genuinely satisfy and fulfill us, what will bring true life. When we discover something promising, experiencing it will require us to fit it into our existing priorities. Learning an instrument or a language necessitates letting go of other expectations, such as video entertainment or social media browsing. Finding life demands a commitment of our limited time, energy, and focus. Many of our searches are bound by the time frame of our current stage in life. However, life extends far beyond our earthly experience. To find real life, we must consider that it’s not just about the present but also what lies beyond our last breath.

Jesus came to offer a life that is abundant, free, and eternal. By coming to Him, we receive the forgiveness, mercy, and grace that save and secure us in Him. The life He purchased for us with His blood still requires a search fueled by the expectation of true life’s rewards. To embrace the life found only in Him, we must let go of anything that separates us from Him. It’s only by setting aside our commitments to other distractions for the sake of being with and discovering more of Him that we can truly know life in Christ.



"It is a great honor to have been given Your life, which is free from the limitations of earthly life. I commit again my heart in service and lay down what I have connected my heart to in order to worship and serve You alone.  
Matthew 10:39


"I love to think on the great, glorious and majestic works of my God and delight in His enduring righteousness."
Psalm 111:2-3


“I am of God and always overcome, because greater is He that is in me than he that is in the world.”
1 John 4:4


"God’s divine power has given me everything that pertains to life and Godliness through the knowledge of Him who has called me to glory and virtue."
2 Peter 1:3


" In Christ I have been given power to cast out all evil spirits and to heal all manner of sickness and disease.”
Matthew 10:1


“From a lifestyle of bringing tithes into the storehouse, I have confidence that God is opening the windows of heaven with a blessing I can’t contain.”
Malachi 3:10-11

Song: (Click to Hear)

Life is Found”



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