John 5:19 (NLT)
19 So Jesus explained, “I tell you the truth, the Son can do nothing by himself. He does only what he sees the Father doing. Whatever the Father does, the Son also does.
John 15:5 (NLT) 5 “Yes, I am the vine; you are the branches. Those who remain in me, and I in them, will produce much fruit. For apart from me you can do nothing.
For that incredible athlete, musician, physician, artist, mom, dad, etc., to do what seems impossible with such accuracy and speed, they were enabled by first seeing someone else’s movements and then that person’s movements through their own. They probably have taken what they’ve seen from someone else to a much higher level, but their actual performance was preceded by their imagination as if in a dream. Many performers will actively engage in this truth, intentionally committing to hours of seeing themselves at a high level. The body, mind, and spirit are enabled to go and do what they’ve seen demonstrated by a mentor, and then by the imagination of themselves following their example.
It would be feasible to assume that the Son of God would, on His own, be able to do all the works He performed. However, He makes it very clear that He did nothing of note without first having seen His Father do it. As God chooses to do miracles through people, those views of His Father’s movements must have included Jesus Himself as the Father’s implementing tool. His many nights honoring His Father’s presence must have included some pretty exciting revelations of miracles He was about to perform. Dead raised, life-long disease eradicated, and deliverance had all been seen before they occurred. Knowing that the Father went before him prepared the hearts of those to whom ministry was given. He always seemed to be greatly anticipating His precious moments with His Father, and this must have been a large part of that anticipation, knowing He would see Himself doing what He first saw His Father say and do.
When separating ourselves from the weak and dying elements of this world to take on the forces of darkness, it is essential to remain fixed on the counsel and insight that only comes from Him. Rather than heading off on our own to tackle the challenges and then ask for His help, how much better it would be to follow the example of Jesus and get a vision of what God is doing that can be carried out in service to His will? Precious moments in His presence should come with direction and guidance coming from visual demonstrations He provides. There can be a growing ability to claim there has been nothing we’ve done apart from Him. In that statement, there will also be testimonies of the works and greater of Jesus we’ve observed and carried out.
"As I behold His glory in this place He's made for me at His side, what He is planning and doing becomes my example and guidance. Whatever He is up to is what I will partner with and participate in for His glory.”
John 5:19, 15:5
"I praise God for His great mercy and comfort and that He empowers us to provide that same mercy and comfort to others."
2 Corinthians 1:3-4
"I am delivered from the power of darkness and taken into the kingdom of love where I am redeemed and forgiven."
Colossians 1:13-14
"As Jesus goes before me, I follow Him because I know His voice. I will run from the voice of a stranger."
John 10:4-5
"I am not moved by what I feel or see, but I am only moved by the Word of God that says I am whole and complete in Christ."
2 Corinthians 5:7, Acts 20:24
"With the Lord as my Shepherd, I lack for nothing as I follow His voice in every area of life."
Psalm 23:1
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