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2 Peter 1:4
4 And because of his glory and excellence, he has given us great and precious promises. These are the promises that enable you to share his divine nature and escape the world’s corruption caused by human desires.

Because of a promised benefit, people are often willing to relocate clear across the country, adjust their lifestyle, replace many calendar items, leave off favorite foods, etc. The greater the promise, the greater the chances of choosing these significant changes. How often, though, a great opportunity from a promise is missed when human desires make the cost appear greater than the promise. This is one of the greatest challenges to living in the fullness of the new life that's ours in Christ. While full of promises from the God of glory and excellence, there is a balking at the border of the Promised Land. Somehow, though our new heritage comes with amazing benefits, the cost of worldly corruption that must be left behind appears to be too great. Until the reality of God's blessings can be valued above the things that have brought comfort and security in the world, those things that would prohibit occupying our inheritance will yet be chosen over them. The value increase of our promises that is so necessary for their experience is greatly affected in these times of stripping the flesh from what it thinks is of priority and actually tasting God's promises without any distractions. It's in the intentional exclusive tasting of His goodness that the necessary adjustments can be made (repentance) that enable partaking of His nature, free from the world's corruptions. What an incredible land awaits those who will but savor His goodness till the value of what is already promised them rises above whatever must be left behind. Let's be among those who lose all for our priceless promised prize. 



"Though the world has many great trials and difficulties, the fear and defeat they might bring are overcome as all the world’s power is lost in the presence and praise of my Victor.”
John 16:33


"All glory, honor and praise be to the One who is able to do far more than I could ever ask or think according to His great power working in me."
Ephesians 3:20-21


"I was chosen and accepted in Christ to bring glory and praise to God’s grace as His holy and blameless child."
Ephesians 1:4-6


"Because I walk faithfully according to the Word I’ve received, I am made to really know the truth and its freedom."
John 8:31-32 



" Jesus is my Lord. God raised him from the dead. He was my substitute. He is my Savior. Satan has no power over me. Jesus is my Lord.”
Philippians 2:11; Romans 10:9, 10



" Wealth and riches shall be in my house because I fear the Lord and delight greatly in his commandments.”
Psalms 112:1-3

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