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Day 1 - Kingdom First

Matthew 6:33 (NKJV)
33 But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you.

     As we quickly move into 2025, there are many things we need concerning our families, finances, jobs, health, etc. With each of them, there is an urgency to seek out their provision or solution. Much time and energy will be expended on this search as the ones with the highest regard receive the most attention while others are lightly esteemed and even ignored. Jesus indicated in Matthew 6 that if the highest priority in our search is given to the Kingdom of God, everything else we need will be more than adequately cared for. For Him, the Kingdom was a major topic of His preaching, and He said it was the purpose of His coming.  (Luke 4:43)
     If seeking the Kingdom is the most significant necessity, what is the Kingdom, and how is it sought? Like the upcoming transfer of leadership in this country, the Kingdom of God will have a King, His realm (the territory of His influence), His ways/laws, and the people.  Entering into His kingdom, where all our needs are supplied according to His riches in glory, will mean that other kings, ways, places, and people lose their priority in our lives compared to the Kingdom He established in Christ. The urgency, once placed on other things, will be given to knowing the King, following His ways in our place beyond the veil, and loving His people. With each setting aside of our natural, regular pursuits, there is an opportunity to redirect attention to His Kingdom with confident assurance that everything required will follow after the heart in pursuit of Him. 



"It is to an alone time with my Father that my soul goes in the times when it is challenged, where it discovers its purpose and is prepared for a demonstration of His power.”
Matthew 14:13,23


"My soul will declare and sing of my Father’s great goodness, righteousness, mercy and longsuffering that are displayed as a praise in all of His works.”
Psalm 145:7-10


“I do not let any corrupt words come from my mouth, but only speak good things that encourage and minister grace to anyone that hears.”
Ephesians 4:29


"The Holy Spirit helps me to remember and understand the truth that is mine in Christ."
John 14:26



"I will hold onto God’s faithful promise of a long, healthy and satisfied life.”
Hebrews 10:23, Psalm 91:16


“As I seek the Lord and tremble in His presence, I have assurance that I will not lack for anything.”
Psalm 34:9-10

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